Original Scripted Video

I was creative lead on strategy and wrote the scripts for several brand and product marketing videos during my tenure at Tremor Video. We had a fantastic in-house creative team who worked on the vast majority of these videos.

  • Role Creative Strategy Lead & Copywriter
  • For Tremor Video
  • Date 2011-2016
  • Type Brand & Product Marketing strategy, copywriting
  • Industry Ad tech

“Thanks, YouTube” brand campaign, :30 pre-roll

“The Quest for the Holy Grail” brand campaign, 2 minute video, winner of Best Copywriting honoree, Webby Awards

“Thank you, Hulu” brand campaign, :60 pre-roll

PSA created to explain the AdChoices icon (ability for consumers to opt out of behavioral targeting) that appears on top of Tremor Video-served video ads.

Tremor Video’s “ADvocate for Relief” Hurricane Sandy charitable giving campaign

“The Power of Video: A Love Story” entertainment vertical story to help explain ad tech to advertisers and brand managers. Debuted at Variety’s Film Summit.